Category Archives: InterEdge Marketing

Website Redesign – Four Things Not to Do!

Are you undertaking a website redesign or considering a major refresh? In your zeal to get started, resist the urge to utilize past information before conducting research.  Too often companies reverse or skip steps that are crucial to building a site that connects with the target audience.  To ensure you hit the bullseye, don’t take these…
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Does direct marketing stand for interruption marketing? If so, I missed the memo.

Is Direct Marketing Interruption Marketing? There is no doubt that many marketers abandon good marketing practices and instead blast out emails to unwanted recipients or sic their telemarketing team on a list of prospects that fits their demographic. If you use the terms inbound marketing or nurturing programs instead of other marketing tactic vernacula, it’s…
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12 Steps to a Content Habit

Contemplating a content marketing program? Then you know the potential impact.  A well executed program will elevate brand awareness, increase engagement, generate leads and ultimately increase sales and revenue. However, publishing content haphazardly or developing valueless information isn’t content marketing.  Instead, follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to content habit![clear] [hr] 1…
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Where does a website content marketing strategy rank in your list of assets?

A well designed website, updated frequently and a corresponding content marketing strategy is more important than your office space, new production equipment, even a new product. Why do too many companies pay such little attention to it? According to research conducted by Marcus Nelson, former executive at and founder of Addvocate, a social media enablement…
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Use Content To Connect With Your Audience