The impact a website and online channels have on your business has never been more pronounced. Whether it's current customers, or prospects you don't know yet, a website allows you connect in ways that are impossible to accomplish otherwise. Websites are a basic must have marketing tool, not a new web strategy trend.
Regardless of company size or product offering, an effective website allows you to compete against the big guys. It levels the playing field. Each year more companies realize that an effective website is essential to their business.
2016 Web Strategy Trends -
Improvements You Can Make In 2017
But, there are still numerous opportunities for improvement. Here are 2016 web strategy trends and improvements you can make to elevate your position in 2017.
The Conflict Factor Is Fading
Arguably, digital substitution has impacted no industry greater than commercial printing. Many organizations were slow to utilize online channels because it was like sleeping with the enemy. Although there are still too many laggards, the perceived conflict is abating.
In addition, the industry, target customer or growth expectations led some businesses to believe that a website wasn't important to their business. However, more companies realize that regardless of these factors an online presence impacts how customers and prospects interact with them.
What Still Needs To Be Done
It's estimated that 50% of small and medium sized companies don't have a website. If you are the rare company that doesn't need additional business or happens to work entirely offline, then perhaps you can get by. Otherwise, an online investment is essential. The cost of not having a website is much higher than the cost of building a website.
Investing In Web Design
A welcome 2016 web strategy trend; more companies recognized the need to improve their website design and user experience. As consumers start their buying process with search on the web and equate website design with company competence this is an essential shift.
What Still Needs To Be Done
Most companies should take additional steps to maximize the visibility, credibility, and usability of their website.
For example, a well designed site with limited content and infrequent updates minimizes the value of the investment. Adding video, such as a corporate overview or an explainer series enhances your site and connects you with more prospects. And if you have target specific audience segments, personalizing the interaction will make a huge impact on the user experience.
Web Design And SEO
The ticket to wealth and fame? Only a few years ago it was search engine optimization. A first page listing delivered revenue generating clicks to websites that achieved that position. But without significant time and investment, first page listings were hard to achieve, especially for popular terms. Because of these challenges, perceptions changed. Site design and user experience elevated while the optimization priority decreased.
What Still Needs To Be Done
It's challenging for a regional, small or medium sized business to compete with national players for top product and services terms. However, keyword research and the use of the best terms in navigation, content and meta data are an essential part of effective web design. It delivers a more effective:
Mobile Compatibility
Even though mobile internet usage overtook desktop in mid 2015, many organizations didn't perceive that the shift applied to their business. Today, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Ghost and other common CMS systems make it easy to create a site your users will love on mobile. And that's exactly what many companies have achieved.
What Still Needs To Be Done
If you haven't updated your site recently then it's likely not mobile compatible. A non mobile friendly website rejects a segment of your audience. It is like not accepting calls from prospects that use a smart phone. You'll miss opportunities to connect with a portion of your audience that may become customers.
If you have a mobile friendly site, optimize further to increase mobile engagement. If you don't, then make a site update a priority in 2017.
It Takes Ongoing Attention
Just like maintaining a car or up keeping a home, a website needs constant attention to ensure you get the most value out of your investments. Use these web strategy trends to guide the steps you can take to improve your position online.