Category Archives: Content Marketing

How Online Content Benefits Customers And Prospects

Wouldn't it be nice if prospects picked up the phone when you called or replied to an email? But, that's not how it works today. Arguably, it's never been tougher to connect with clients. And it's a big reason why companies use content marketing. It allows you to develop a relationship with prospects even when your phone calls…
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When Is Your Best New Sales Hire Not A Sales Person?

  Hiring the perfect sales person. Easier said than done. Even the best organizations have horror stories of seemingly good sales hires gone bad.  Selling is tough. Prospects are hard to reach. Competition is fierce. Sales costs add up. So what's the right answer? It may not be a sales person at all. Why Content Marketing…
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How Content Marketing Builds Your Business

Revenue growth. Small or large, public or private, increasing sales is high on any organizations list of annual objectives. But expanding your customer base is hard. Current customers represent the best growth opportunities. But with B2B customer churn rates at 20 - 30%, it takes additional sales volume just to remain even. New customers are a must. Increasing…
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4 Effective Content Marketing Examples You Should Implement In 2017

How do you effectively connect with prospects today? HubSpot found that buyers are less dependent on sales during the buying process even compared to just a few years ago. Because buyers are taking on more of the discovery process and relying less on personal interactions, it's crucial to have online content that educates and builds understanding even…
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Use Content To Connect With Your Audience