16 Types Of Content That Benefit Your Business

Blog content tops the list of cost effective ways to reach your target audience. In fact, thought leadership pieces, videos, educational content, authentic stories and more can all create stronger connections. But, what specific types of content are best at increasing your online visibility?

16 Best Types Of Content

To illustrate, here are the 16 best types of content you should use to forge stronger connections with your ideal buyers.

1) White Papers

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

2) Case Studies

A case study shares a story about the success a customer experienced when using your product or service. From a written document to formats like a video or podcast, they are a robust testimonial of your capabilities. And, they encourage prospective customers to consider your business as they look to resolve similar challenges.

3) Testimonials

Testimonial showcase how your products and services have a positive impact. Testimonials come directly from an experience a customer has with you. It may include quotes, photos, appear a short snippets on your website or an in-depth case study. Accordingly they can help establish trust and encourage further interactions as prospects formulate purchasing decisions.

4) Articles

Articles are long form content usually written for publication. They are educational in nature, not self promotional. They cover topics that are relevant to the publications’ readers and are representative of your company’s expertise. Organizations use articles to showcase their knowledge, increase brand awareness and provide valuable information to the publications’ audience.

5) Podcasts

A podcast is a digital audio series which a user can listen to by downloading or subscribing through iTunes, Stitcher and other distribution options. It allows you to inform and educate your audience in a more in depth manner than written content. Podcasts convenience and the ability to actively listen and learn while also doing something else, make them a popular content option.

6) Video

Companies use video marketing to communicate their brand, services and products and connect with their target audience. Common topics include company overviews, products or services overview, how-to or explainer videos and testimonials. In addition, you can use video marketing live-stream presentations and events.

7) E-books

E-books represent a longer form of content that can educate prospective buyers about topics important to buyers and your company. It’s a great way to demonstrate expertise in a creative way. An e-book and is more visually appealing than a white paper, yet more serious than an infographic. Furthermore, e-books are an excellent way to break up long-form content into more digestible segments. What's more, an easy way to start an e-book is to select existing blog posts that flow logically together to repurpose your existing content.

8) Email Marketing

In its simplest form, email marketing is using email to promote your products and services. But the purpose of email marketing is to use email to develop relationships with your target audience and expand your relationship with current customers. Welcome emails, newsletters, educational information, promotions, re engagement campaigns and more are common types of email marketing.

9) Newsletter Marketing

Companies use newsletter marketing to send informational and product-focused content via both email and print to a subscriber list that includes potential and existing customers. In fact, effective newsletters deepen relationships with current customers and inform prospects about how your capabilities can benefit them.

10) Infographics

The best types of content go beyond the written word. For example, information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. Actually, the can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. Plus, another compelling feature of infographics is that they are commonly shared with others. This further increases your reach and the opportunity to connect with viable prospects.

11) Images

Like infographics, images convey understanding in a way that written content can’t. In fact, companies use visual images of their products, customers, staff, facilities, events and more in blog posts and social media to grab the consumers attention and increase their understanding.

12) Presentations

Presentations are a good way to define a problem and outline the solution in a step-by-step manner. Companies develop presentations specifically for content purposes and also modify investor, customer and even employee versions to provide value to a segment of their target audience.

13) Product Announcements

Before the internet, companies used public relations agencies to make product announcements. Today, with the ease and low cost of distributing information through social media and the business wire, it’s much easier to use product announcements as a regular part of your content strategy. Companies use this tactic when they release a new or improved product to increase brand awareness and elevate interest in the new capability.

14) Lists

Numbered lists make content quicker to find, easier to remember, and actionable. List topics are typically formed around a question. Additionally, they typically include information such as useful tools, tips on how to do something better, important market trends and more.

15) Interviews

Interviews aren't just reserved for journalists or reporters. Rather, B2B organizations conduct interviews to provide readers industry and technical insights. Usually with industry-related influencers an interview is a content Q&A that elevates your perceived authority and connects you with a broader audience.

16) Original Research

Companies conduct original research to further their industry knowledge and get direct insights into customers’ needs. In addition to identifying emerging trends and crafting services that help the customer, research is often crafted into various forms of content including blogs, white papers, infographics and more. Additionally, original research allows companies to further educate, connect and build relationships with prospects and customers.

InterEdge Marketing works with B2B organizations to develop unique content that connects with their target audience and drives revenue. Subscribe to The Edge Newsletter to get bi-monthly tips on how to use content to elevate your marketing programs.

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Use Content To Connect With Your Audience