Do you have an online strategy to leverage your online investments?
Websites have evolved from static brochures to interactive opportunities to engage customers. Yet, without an online strategy and the discipline to execute that strategy, well intended improvements often lead to a site that’s hard to navigate and isn't optimized to help interested prospects find you.
InterEdge provides web consulting & marketing services that help B2B companies organize and optimize their website. We work with companies to set goals and develop strategies that maximize online visibility, generate additional leads and increase revenue. We utilize a diagnostic tool to measure website effectiveness and identify potential improvements that can elevate performance. Our web consulting and marketing services include:
- Navigation and site organization evaluation & improvement
- Competitor & keyword analysis
- Search engine optimization
- Content development
- Social media integration
- Analytics installation, training, assessment & continuous improvement
Although these services will improve your brand image and increase the amount of visitors to your site, our primary objective is leveraging these tools to increase your revenue.
Contact us for a free website diagnostic to learn how you can generate more leads and increase revenue.