Online Needs Assessment

Online Needs Assessment

An online needs assessment will improve your site, increasing leads and revenue

You developed a variety of online resources and experienced positive results.

How do you know if you are getting the most out of these efforts? Although there is no exact roadmap that guarantees results, effectively executing key steps will improve the outcome. Performing an online needs assessment will verify areas that are executed effectively anduncover opportunities for improvement.

Three elements work together to help you achieve the most effective program. They are:

  1. Website
  2. Social Media
  3. Content

Within each element there are specific details that need attention to ensure maximum impact.

Online programs are complementary. Although some segments are more important than others, maximizing one component and ignoring others won’t result in a preferred outcome. Conversely, you don’t have to execute every element perfectly to increase site traffic, generate leads and increase revenue. So it’s important to look at the big picture and prioritize which steps provide the greatest value for your desired outcome.

Our online needs assessment benchmarks your current state and provides suggestions on how to improve results.

Interested in how InterEdge Marketing online needs assessment can help you drive additional revenue? Request a copy today!

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Use Content To Connect With Your Audience